Statistics show the standard of living is eroding for Americans and the upcoming year could result in more families going through tough economic times. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is adding more headaches and stress to those who have difficulty making ends meet Here are some prime examples as to why problems are compounding:

Energy costs have risen by 30 %

Higher interest rates are affecting the realm of real estate as the housing market is NOT showing signs of improvement as inventory is low and home owners are facing the prospect of mortgaging their property just to get by.

Rents are rising and that has rule of thumb for the past two years.

There is a 20 to 25% increase on household goods as prices at the grocery store have spiked to record levels as these increases could result in a total of $400 to fill your shopping cart. These numbers are astronomical in nature.

Student loan payments have been frozen until May with minimum payments projected to hit the $400 per month mark and that is out of reach for many who are trying to receive a decent education.

So, here is the question of the day: What can people do to get through these rough times? We have the answer:

attachment-Lisa Ashman On the Road

Enter Lisa Ashman: She is ready to lend a helping hand to help you buckle up for this bumpy ride. The Victor, New York based foreclosure expert, education and software consultant can assist our tri-state region listeners in getting back on track with some sage advice as her mission is to bring more awareness to these growing problems as she has some alternatives to move you forward in life.

For starters, you need to take the expenses you have and eliminate any unnecessary spending and lower your monthly bills in the process as her clients can free up cash flow to pay off any outstanding debts and obtain affordable education to keep up with today's ever changing work force.

Lisa has been there as she has also suffered personal hardships and has assumed the role of Student Loan Debt Counselor who has given those trying to better themselves to move them forward in life during this "so-called 21st century". Her expertise in digital marketing will outline a plan to steer the course towards those who yearn to embark on new skills to build their own business and fulfill their financial stability.

She is a champion of small business and encourages people to support their local merchants as your dollars spent in our backyard regenerate the local economy and both of us are in agreement to implement this practice in making our communities within our listening area as a viable and competitive alternative to succeed during these tough economic times.

I have deemed her as "Our Financial Guru" who is waiting to hear from you. She is accessible throughout social media as you can connect with Lisa on Linked In (her favorite access in communicating with individuals). You can also friend her on Facebook by going here. Tap into her Twitter page as another alternative connection. Take that "first step" by reaching out to Lisa as she will be YOUR personal guide in getting people back to the financial level they strive for.

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READ MORE: See how some companies are changing their businesses to combat COVID-19


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