Every Wednesday at 8:30 we're joined by John Perreault, Executive Director of the Berkshire Humane Society to discuss all the happenings at their Barker Road facility, plus talk about their Pet of the Week.

This week's Pet of the Week is ​Ralph Lauren! Ralph is a super sweet 4-year-old tuxedo, domestic shorthair. Ralph can be shy to start, but with a little love and attention, he warms up quickly.


Ralph arrived at the shelter along with several housemates after their owner sadly passed away. Now this friendly boy would love a new home with you! Ralph has been waiting for a home since June 2nd. In his prior home, he lived indoors only with adults only.

Ralph's one of the feline area's resident "chatter boxes" and quite often you'll find him meowing for attention while he stands in his kitty bed "pressing cookies". He's a food motivated cat, which will help him overcome his initial shyness.


Additionally, August 27-30, Berkshire Humane Society will be part of a state-wide effort to offer fee-waived adoptions on harder to place cats. Ralph Lauren's adoption fee is currently waived during this collaboration.

If you think Ralph Lauren fits your "style" please fill out a cat adoption application and speak with the Berkshire Humane Society feline staff directly at (413)-447-7878 extension. 124.

Why do cats have whiskers? Why do they meow? Why do they nap so much? And answers to 47 other kitty questions:

Why do they meow? Why do they nap so much? Why do they have whiskers? Cats, and their undeniably adorable babies known as kittens, are mysterious creatures. Their larger relatives, after all, are some of the most mystical and lethal animals on the planet. Many questions related to domestic felines, however, have perfectly logical answers. Here’s a look at some of the most common questions related to kittens and cats, and the answers cat lovers are looking for.

Gallery Credit: Andrew Lisa

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