1420 WBEC Welcomes Career Expert Ken Coleman to its Line-up June 1st!
1420 WBEC is extremely excited to be able to announce that we will be launching an all new line-up of upbeat and informative talk shows on Monday, June 1st. We are sure you are going to love our new daily schedule of shows!
Today, we introduce to you, The Ken Coleman Show!
The Ken Coleman Show is a daily caller-driven show that will help you make your dream job a reality!
According to Gallup, 70% of Americans are unhappy in their job. Ken Coleman is here to change that. Caller after caller, Ken equips and encourages with thought-provoking questions and advice, helping listeners get clarity on what they were created to do so they can confidently step onto a path to fulfill their purpose.
In every episode, Ken will:
- Give practical advice and help you discover what work you were created to do.
- Provide a proven and trusted strategy to lead you to a career you will love.
- Encourage and entertain you.
- Answer your career questions!
As we begin to face what so many are calling the “New Normal” amid the coronavirus crisis… this is the perfect time to be considering a new career or a career change. And with so many of us now having to face the prospect of finding a job after losing one, Ken Coleman comes along at a time when we here in the Berkshires can really use his guidance!
Ken Coleman will be airing right here on 1420 WBEC Monday – Friday, from 9:00AM to 10:00AM.
About Ken Coleman:
Ken Coleman is a career expert and national radio host of The Ken Coleman Show. Pulling from his own personal struggles, missed opportunities and career successes, Coleman helps people discover what they were born to do and provides practical steps to make their dream job a reality. The Ken Coleman Show is a caller-driven career show that helps listeners who are stuck in a job they hate or searching for something more out of their career.
Ken’s latest book, The Proximity Principle, released May 2019. Connect with Ken on Twitter at @KenColeman, on Instagram at @KenColemanShow, and online at kencoleman.com or facebook.com/kenColemanShow.