Once again, our state of Massachusetts makes us proud by being #1 in yet another important field. It seems like this has been happening a lot lately, hasn't it? Massachusetts has ranked at the top (or very near) in numerous fields lately.

The field I'm referring to in this instance is education. Our good friends (and personal finance experts) at WalletHub recently released their report on 2024's States with the Best and Worst School Systems and guess what? Massachusetts ranked #1!

As always, the WalletHub team put plenty of research into their study. They compared all 50 states plus the District of Columbia across 32 key metrics of school quality and safety including math and reading scores, pupil-to-teacher ratio, median ACT and SAT scores, bullying incidence rates, etc.

The Commonwealth ranked either #1 (including 1st for Math Test Scores and 1st for Reading Test Scores) or in the top 10 in numerous key metrics and that was enough to put Massachusetts at #1 in the country overall.

Here are 2024's top 10 States with the Best School Systems, according to WalletHub:

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Connecticut
  3. Maryland
  4. New Jersey
  5. Wisconsin
  6. New Hampshire
  7. Nebraska
  8. New York
  9. Virginia
  10. North Dakota

Be careful if you have kids and you're planning to move out of state in the future. Here are 2024's top 5 States with the Worst School Systems, per WalletHub:

  1. New Mexico
  2. Oklahoma
  3. Arizona
  4. Alaska
  5. Louisiana

You can check out the full list to see where every state (and DC) was ranked by visiting WalletHub's website here. BTW, Massachusetts was also #1 last year for 2023, so you know it's no fluke! Great job, Massachusetts!

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