The following is a listing of both local and State COVID-19 Resources. We will add to the list as more resources become available. If you know of a resource that is NOT listed here and would like to share it with us, please send an email to: tom.conklin@townsquaremedia.com
City of Pittsfield - COVID-19 Community Impact Dashboard - CLICK HERE
As the commonwealth slowly re-opens its economy, you can be guided by the downloadable “Reopening Massachusetts” report. You can find it here: https://www.mass.gov/doc/reopening-massachusetts/download
In addition to the reopening report, you can see the new “Safer at Home Advisory” at mass.gov/covid-safe
The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office has created a resource guide to educate community members about the availability of health and safety resources during social distancing. The full resource guide is available here: https://www.mass.gov/doc/berkshire-district-attorneys-offices-covid-19-community-resource-guide/download
MassHire Berkshire Career Center seminars and workshops are available on a webinar platform. You can find the schedule at https://masshireberkshirecc.com/events-calendar/
The Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program (or WIC) is committed to providing families with continued support now and in the days ahead. They are able to provide all services by phone. Call 447-3495.
Unemployment benefit application for self-employed, gig economy, and other workers are now available. Learn more and apply at mass.gov/pua
Remember to wear a mask or face covering to prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially when social distancing is difficult. More info at: mass.gov/coveryourface
Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has launched a new website to provide resources for health care workers and first responders in the state, and information to the public. The website is FrontlineMA.org.
For the latest information on COVID-19 visit the BHS Coronavirus Information Kiosk at http://www.berkshirehealthsystems.org/coronavirus
State residents can get COVID-19 text updates by texting COVIDMA to 888-777
The symptoms of Coronavirus are coughing, fever and shortness of breath. They may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure. Residents can also check their symptoms and get other COVID-19 health related information by using a new FREE tool at buoy.com/mass
For the latest information on the Coronavirus including how to protect yourself and what to do if you become sick, visit the Federal Center for Disease Control website at cdc.gov/coronavirus
Check out the link to the Lenox Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Lenox: #LenoxLove COVID-19 Resources webpage: https://lenox.org/lenox-chamber-covid-19/
Downtown Pittsfield Inc. Has a link to COVID-19 resources on its website. Click this link: https://downtownpittsfield.com/2020/04/covid-19-resources/
Berkshire South Regional Community Center has announced Nourishing Neighbors, a new supplemental community meal program running for eight weeks and beginning today. Details are available at http://berkshiresouth.org/nourishing-neighbors/
The Town of Great Barrington has released a Mental Health and Wellness Kit, which is available at this link: https://www.townofgb.org/home/news/great-barrington-releases-mental-health-and-wellness-kit
The National Alliance on Mental Illness Berkshire County has announced its Warm Line. The Warm Line is a phone number that people can call to talk to either staff or a community trained volunteer. The number is 413-445-1136.
Community Access to the Arts has launched a series of online arts programs in order to combat the isolation that people with disabilities are experiencing during the COVID-19 crisis. Go to cataarts.org.
Looking for work? Nursing homes & Assisted Living Residences are in need of help. Find out more about the jobs available: mass.gov/covid-otnw
If you have a question about Coronavirus, you can call the BHS hotline which is available daily between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. The number is 1-855-BMC-LINK or 1-855-262-5465.
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