It was a nice day for a family stroll Thursday afternoon as a herd of five or six deer made their way across Jason Street in Pittsfield just outside of our radio station studios. Temperatures were just getting into the 40’s as the furry friends slowly pranced across the street around 12:30. They made their way down the hill from one neighbor’s yard, across the road, and then down the hill of another neighbor’s yard, where they looked to be headed into a nearby wooded area.

Jason Street is a fairly well traveled road that with an initial run up Gale Avenue, serves as a quick way to get to West Street. Cars heading down Jason are sometimes traveling at a good clip as they come around the curve where the deer were crossing. Luckily though, there was no traffic when the crossing took place on Thursday.

Dawn and dusk are the most likely times you will encounter deer on the roadside, according to The website says that those are times when the road can be wet and visibility isn’t as good as in the middle of the day. That means you will need more time to stop your vehicle. Keep in mind that when you drive at 50 mph, your car travels roughly 50 feet before you can react.


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