If You Pay It Forward, Non-Profits Will Benefit Our Community
We've had our setbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic as one aspect of this situation resulted in a lack of volunteers that are needed to assist in the development of non-profit organizations throughout Berkshire county. Now it's your chance to step up to the plate as you can donate some of your free time that will result in assisting your neighbors in need.
Berkshire Bounty co-founder and President Jay Weintraub and Mark Lefenfeld reiterate the need is essential throughout northern and southern Berkshire county as the pandemic continues to take a different direction. They guarantee a personal satisfaction will prevail as many great causes in our area would appreciate your assistance in this all-important matter. The good news that we can pass along is residents exercised many options to help pay it forward including massive donations of food, money, clothing and other items, but the personal interaction to help out remains low.
As a result, many local not for profit organizations are having some issues maintaining their schedules to serve the community. Weintraub believes that people's schedules just don't permit enough time to volunteer their services to assist this cause. The Berkshire Bounty Organization is appealing to everyone they can make some time, even if it's for just a few hours a week, any donated time would be appreciated.
For more information, log on to The Berkshire Bounty's web site by going here OR contact Berkshire United Way's Volunteer Center's web site by calling (413) 442-6948. Residents also could assist in the not for profit organization of their choice. The Berkshires "Giving Back Guide" is also an option in choosing the designated area where your valuable time can be put to good use.
This action will produce satisfaction for every individual who participates in better serving their community as these three words "Pay It Forward" will prove valuable to all during these trying times, so what are you waiting for: Seize The Opportunity! You can also send jay an e-mail for more details. He would love to hear from you in the near future: jweintraub48@gmail.com
(Some background information provided by Berkshire Bounty Co-President Jay Weintraub for on-air and on-line
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