MA Residents: Our Communication Skills Have Gone Out The Window!
Bay State residents: There is no doubt, we are living in a very "impersonable" world as people just do NOT want to speak one-on-one anymore. It seems like these Smart phones, I-phones and other "preposterous" gadgets are making us more susceptible to just using a keyboard instead of talking one-on-one. in this "so-called" 21st century. (Please get me back to the 20th and LEAVE me there with NO RETURN trip to the present)
When I was growing up, we were able to communicate via a "land line" as you were able to pick up the phone and TALK with whoever is on the other end.
Plus when I was out and about in my ol' hometown of New York City, I would put a dime in the slot and chat on a "pay phone" during the days when we had NO means of messaging and texting towards one another. As you know, I am a living in the past guy who enjoys recapturing my days when life was less complicated and that was the case in the 60's and 70's. (You had to be there!)
I can't stand the fact that some, but not all of my "inner circle" friends and acquaintances prefer to forgo talking to you because they are just too busy to exchange any type of old fashioned style conversation. If you ask me, I would gladly go back to basics just like in the good ol' days plus if you can't chat and I leave a massage, common courtesy is to call me back. It's called "common courtesy"
Did I also mention when you call a business and you go though this automated run-around, it just feels so nerve wracking until you actually get a REAL person to talk to on the other side. Tom Petty said it best in 1981: "The Waiting is the hardest part" and let's face it, patience has never been one of my strong points in life. I noticed as each year goes by, things get more complicated and if you ask me, that's just too much to handle!
What also irks me is that new cars want to eliminate AM radio which to me is a cardinal sin. Give me a steel, 8 cylinder vehicle with vent window controls on the drivers and passengers side and a radio that only features Amplitude Modulation. I was raised on the days when this band RULED! This was the clock radio that was AM ONLY in my dwelling back at "The Heights" and the transistor was in my hand at all times!
I am happy to say my voice can STILL be heard on AM. In my day, you had a one-on-one connection with the announcer on duty as they spoke TO YOU and the feeling was you could rely on a friend to entertain and inform members of their audience. Loyal listenership was a staple during my days and I learned from some of the BEST in this business and continue to practice what they preached to me.
BOTTOM LINE: Let's act like human beings in this "robotic" world we have resorted to. Enough said!
CHECK IT OUT: How To Unlock Your iPhone With Your Voice
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