
Fun Fact: It Was Once ILLEGAL to Celebrate Christmas in Massachusetts
Fun Fact: It Was Once ILLEGAL to Celebrate Christmas in Massachusetts
Fun Fact: It Was Once ILLEGAL to Celebrate Christmas in Massachusetts
For years, there have been Christmas themed movies with some pretty ridiculous plots where somehow throughout the storyline, they would find a way to make it so 'Christmas can't be celebrated' or 'Christmas has to be saved'. In every film, although it may be entertaining to watch during the holidays, it seems like the most absure fictional situation that could never be possible. But did you know that Christmas used to be illegal in Massachusetts?
These Western Massachusetts Towns Should Potentially Be Settings For Hallmark Christmas Movies
These Western Massachusetts Towns Should Potentially Be Settings For Hallmark Christmas Movies
These Western Massachusetts Towns Should Potentially Be Settings For Hallmark Christmas Movies
Something that is synonymous with the holiday season is, of course, Christmas movies. And over the years, many of those that people love to watch this time of year are Hallmark Christmas movies! While there have been plenty of those already either filmed in, or taking place in Massachusetts, there has never been one in the western region of the Bay State. So, let's talk about some spots there that would be perfect for a Hallmark Christmas movie!
World Atlas Says Western Massachusetts Small Town ‘Comes Alive in Winter’
World Atlas Says Western Massachusetts Small Town ‘Comes Alive in Winter’
World Atlas Says Western Massachusetts Small Town ‘Comes Alive in Winter’
It's that unique time of year in Massachusetts as we on the cusp of Winter officially being here as we count down the days until Christmas! It just so happens that during this time of year, there are some spots throughout the Bay State that seem to 'come alive in Winter'. As if they're the perfect spot to enjoy such a time of year. One of those spots happens to be on the western side of the state.
Western Massachusetts Town Ranks Among Top Magical Winter Getaways in the U.S.
Western Massachusetts Town Ranks Among Top Magical Winter Getaways in the U.S.
Western Massachusetts Town Ranks Among Top Magical Winter Getaways in the U.S.
As we're almost through the first full week of December, it's that time of year to explore all the great Christmas traditions throughout the New England region. Perhaps for this Christmas, maybe you need a new destination that makes this holiday season feel that much more magical. If that's the case, one of the top Christmas towns for a magical Winter getaway is here! It's not just in the New England region, but it's here in western Massachusetts.

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