
The Land Size of Massachusetts Tiniest Town & City is Really Absurd
The Land Size of Massachusetts Tiniest Town & City is Really Absurd
The Land Size of Massachusetts Tiniest Town & City is Really Absurd
All of us in Massachusetts know that we aren't exactly the biggest state in terms of land size. In fact, compared to the rest of the states in the U.S., we are the 7th smallest state in the U.S. The state covers only 10,554.39 square miles. And of that, approximately just 7,800 square miles is actual land (shoutout to the Atlantic Ocean for its help). Despite that bizarre fact, we have some relatively decent sized towns and cities, land-wise. But there is a town and a city that have to take their respective titles of the tiniest in the state due to the fact that their land size is crazy small.
The Tiniest Massachusetts Town and City Are Crazy Small in Land Size
The Tiniest Massachusetts Town and City Are Crazy Small in Land Size
The Tiniest Massachusetts Town and City Are Crazy Small in Land Size
We all know that Massachusetts isn't exactly the biggest land mass. In fact, when compared to the rest of the states in the U.S., it is the 7th smallest state in the country. The state itself, covers only 10,554.39 square miles. And with that being the case, approximately just 7,800 square miles of that is land (thanks, Atlantic Ocean). Despite this, we have some relatively decent sized towns and cities, land-wise. But there is a town and a city that have to take their respective titles of the smallest in the state.