Brian Piccolo was born in Pittsfield in 1943. The heartwarming and heartbreaking story of this Berkshire native was immortalized in the 1971 movie “Brian’s Song.” The movie chronicles Piccolo's close friendship with the Bears’ standout starting running back Gale Sayers. The movie highlights the friend...
Barriers continue to crumble that have kept women out of the boardroom, limited in political reach and off the field. Last month Sarah Fuller was the first woman to play in a major college conference football game. She went on to be the first woman to score in a in a major conference game kicking an extra point for Vanderbilt to tie a game against Tennessee...
The NFL playoffs are about to get underway, and the New England Patriots are in a position that they are not used to being in – on the outside, looking in. No one expected that the Patriots would be world beaters after the departure of longtime stalwart Tom Brady, but many were likely holding out hope that the team could have at least made things a little more interesting down the stretch...