One of the most difficult parts of traveling is finding that perfect place to rest your weary head after driving hundreds of miles, am I right, Massachusetts?
One of the most difficult parts of traveling is finding that perfect place to rest your weary head after driving hundreds of miles, am I right, Massachusetts?
Taking a drive on a beautiful day, finding a relaxing spot off the beaten path where there are hopefully no other people, and having a delicious bite to eat.
Being that the population is just less than 7,000 according to the 2020 census, it's no surprise that Rockport is the best smallest town in the USA. Tourists seek getaways during the summer months and explore many of the local shops that Rockport has to offer.
We have a lot of towns in the state of Massachusetts. Some we call home and people especially my age who are not a fan of small towns because they claim there is nothing to do and they're "boring."