Massachusetts residents, here's something you probably never thought of while you're waiting inside your house for your car to warm up on a bitterly cold day.
The penalty for not going for an inspection sticker is not as severe as not paying taxes. Heck, how many expired stickers are on the road today? The worse that can happen is you'll get pulled over an issued a police citation.
Massachusetts residents, here's something you probably never thought of while you're waiting inside your house for your car to warm up on a bitterly cold day.
I'm sure that if you're the parent of a teenage driver, you are concerned about their safety and hoping they are properly obeying the rules of the road.
The penalty for not going for an inspection sticker is not as severe as not paying taxes. Heck, how many expired stickers are on the road today? The worse that can happen is you'll get pulled over an issued a police citation.
I know that many of us have gone off to work and have forgetten to lock the door as we were leaving. But have you ever left the house unlocked on purpose?