Tyler Streetscape/Roundabout Project the Focus of Public Hearing Tonight
If you would like to have your opinion heard on the upcoming Tyler Street Streetscape/Roundabout project, tonight is your opportunity. According to a press release from the Office of Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer, the City of Pittsfield’s Department of Community Development will host a virtual public meeting for the Tyler Street Streetscape and Roundabout Project at 6 pm this evening.
The streetscape project will redesign Tyler Street to increase safety for all modes of transportation, whether it be by automobile, bus, bicycle, or on foot, while improving the safety and traffic flow at the intersection of Tyler Street, Woodlawn and Dalton avenues with the construction of a roundabout. Additionally, the project will improve pedestrian safety through the installation of visible crossings and curb extensions; create dedicated bicycle lanes; provide dedicated bus stops; and preserve on-street parking.
The meeting will include a presentation of the project as well as the opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback. For those who wish to participate live, go to zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID 955 7952 4127. The meeting will also be broadcast live on PCTV channel 1303.
Project materials are available here:
For more information or to submit questions and comments, please contact City Planner CJ Hoss at 413-499-9366 or by email choss@cityofpittsfield.org.
If you’re a Tyler Street resident or you travel along Tyler street on your work commute, you may want to give feedback tonight or at least follow along.