As the time for holiday feasting winds down, the goats of Berkshire County are apparently ready to take care of your leftovers.

The Berkshire Eagle reports that instead of tossing out Christmas trees with the trash, some residents are opting to bring them to farms as a seasonal treat for livestock. Stephen Murray, of Pine Cobble Farm, says it's a great, environmentally friendly way to dispose of your old Christmas tree.

Murray and his wife moved to their Massachusetts Avenue home a year and a half ago and started the small family farm as a hobby. They rescued four male goats from slaughter at an auction last March, and also acquired a female. They say that after reading about other farms feeding used Christmas trees to their goats, they thought it was a good idea.

Pince Cobble Farm Facebook page

The town of Lee is one of a handful of towns on the Berkshires that is promoting a different way to dispose of Christmas trees and other Christmas-greens such as wreaths. A news item of the town of Lee’s website says that those with Christmas trees or wreaths that they want to dispose of, now that Christmas has passed, can bring them to the Monte Vista Farm.

David Carrington says that the goats, at the farm at 190 East Street in Lee, love holiday greens. He says you can bring your tree or wreaths by and drop them off there. He says that his goats will be most grateful. Make sure however that you remember to remove any tinsel, wire, or sprayed items before dropping your greens off.



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