Massachusetts has some strange laws that we have discussed in the past before we get today's bizarre law in neighboring New York, let's refresh you on some of the strange laws in the Bay State.

31 Strange Massachusetts Laws

While Massachusetts has some bizarre laws, some of New York's laws that are still on the books are just as bizarre.

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Looking at a few web sources I found two ice cream-reelated laws that pertain to New York that just had me scratching my head.

(1) It is illegal to place an ice cream cone in your pocket in public on Sundays

I'm not even sure we start with this one. Unless it's a child's toy, who in their right mind is storing an ice cream in their pocket especially if there is ice cream on the cone? Even if it's just the cone, it will probably be crushed in a matter of seconds. I don't know.

(2) One is not allowed to eat ice cream at a bus stop.

I suppose this one makes a little more sense. The city wants the bus stop area to stay clean. I highly doubt that several people are going to be eating all at once at a bus stop and how slobby are they that the ice cream would be dripping everywhere? Again, this is a little strange but I guess I can understand it a little more than the first ice cream law. Plus, I'm sure if someone does eat ice cream at a bus stop in New York, they're probably not going to receive a fine.

Whether you live in Albany, Utica, White Plains, or anywhere in New York, or you are visiting the Empire State make sure you abide by these ice cream Are you ready for some more crazy New York laws? Check out more below.

14 Weird Laws Courtesy of New York

13 Bizarre and Wacky Laws from Vermont

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff

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