Kalinowsky Knocks Off Cohen To Win Pittsfield’s Final At-Large Seat
Three of the At-Large City Council incumbents retained their seats in Pittsfield last night in what was a fairly low turnout in the city's municipal election Tuesday. City Council President Peter Marchetti was the top vote-getter with 3,883 votes. Peter White was next with 3,582 votes. Earl Persip III finished with 3,314 votes. Then it was Karen Kalinowsky supplanting Yuki Cohen for the fourth and final At-Large spot with 2,668 votes. Cohen actually finished last behind the fifth-place Craig Benoit.
Ward races add some new faces to the Pittsfield City Council...
Come January 1st, there will be four new ward councilors on the Pittsfield City Council. There were four contested races. Kenneth Warren defeated Andrea Wilson in Ward 1, 453 to 192. In Ward 2, Charles Kronick beat Matthew Kudlate, 371 to 248. In Ward 4, James Conant beat Andrew Wrinn 627 to 499. Dina Guiel Lampiasi defeated Ed Carmel in Ward 6 to retain her seat, 437 to 230. Kevin Sherman, and incumbents Patrick Kavey and Anthony Maffuccio were unopposed in Wards 4, 5, and 7 respectively.
School committee incumbents win re-election...
All four Pittsfield school committee members that were running for re-election retained their seats yesterday. William Cameron, Mark Brazeau, Alison McGee, and Daniel Elias will be returning. Also winning seats on the school committee were former Pittsfield Mayor Sarah Hathaway and Vicky Smith. Hathaway actually garnered the third-highest vote tally finishing with 3,069 votes.

Low turnout as predicted...
According to the unofficial results sent to us from Pittsfield City Clerk Michelle Benjamin last night, the city saw a 20.67 percent voter turnout. When we asked Benjamin in October what she thought the turnout would be, said that it would be difficult to predict, but she expect that it would be low.
By the numbers...
Here are the unofficial votes totals. The At-Large and School Committee numbers are not ward-specific.
AT-LARGE CITY COUNCIL (*denotes incumbent):
- *Peter Marchetti 3,883
- *Peter White 3,582
- *Earl Persip III 3,314
- Karen Kalinowsky 2,668
- Craig Benoit 2,577
- *Yuki Cohen 1,839
WARD COUNCILOR (*denotes incumbent):
- Ward 1 - Kenneth Warren 453, Andrea Wilson 192
- Ward 2 - Charles Kronick 371, Matthew Kudlate 248
- Ward 3 - Kevin Sherman 783 (unopposed)
- Ward 4 - James Conant 627, Andrew Wrinn 499
- Ward 5 - *Patrick Kavey 572 (unopposed)
- Ward 6 - *Dina Guiel Lampiasi 437, Ed Carmel 230
- Ward 7 - *Anthony Maffuccio 398 (unopposed)
SCHOOL COMMITTEE (*denotes incumbent)
- *Mark Brazeau 3,243
- *William Cameron 3,072
- Sara Hathaway 3,069
- *Daniel Elias 2,812
- Vicky Smith 2,691
- *Alison McGee 2,669
- Bill Tyer 1,737
- Karen Reis Keveney Murray1,467
Also receiving votes after having dropped out of the race before the election were Kate Lauzon (1,400) and Nyanna Slaughter (1,095).
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