LISTEN: Credit Union Roundtable October 2019 (AUDIO)
Credit Union Roundtable is a monthly, hour-long talk show devoted to helping America’s consumers become better managers of their finances and savings.
October’s edition of Credit Union Roundtable focuses on credit unions, marking their month-long observance of cooperatives highlighted by International Credit Union Day on the 17th. To help the show get off to a strong start, Walt Laskos called on Stephanie Smith, curator at America’s Credit Union Museum, to explain the origins of credit unions in the US and their cooperative structure. Brian Branch, CEO of the World Council of Credit Unions, also joined Laskos from Madison, Wisconsin, where he described the advocacy efforts of credit unions on the global stage through the efforts of the World Council, including its work in helping people in developing countries to form credit unions.
You can listen to October's edition of the show and get more information about Credit Union Roundtable by going here