One act that I still see while driving from time to time in Berkshire County is folks thumbing for a ride, also known as hitchhiking. At one time, hitchhiking was somewhat commonplace in order to get from one place to another, but as time went on, the act declined due to safety precautions. You never know who you're picking up, and as the hitchhiker, you don't know who's picking you up.

As I mentioned, I still see the act from time to time and I started wondering if hitchhiking was illegal or if the hitchhiker could be fined for the act.

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I looked up Massachusetts in a legal article from just for fun to see what the state's law was regarding hitchhiking.

In the state of Massachusetts, you could be fined $50 for soliciting on a roadway as it is not allowed on turnpikes. Otherwise, the act is fine and legal as long as you are obeying road laws.

For me, I wouldn't hitchhike. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about hitchhiking is that scene from the first 'Friday the 13th' (1980) movie with one of the would-be camp counselors and Mrs. Vorhees (Jason's mother). That's not for me or maybe I have been watching too many horror

If you want to learn more about hitchhiking laws in other states, you can do so by going here.

RELATED: Here are some more laws for you. Do any of these surprise you? 

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff

KEEP READING Looking to get the most of life? Check out these states.

READ ON: See the States Where People Live the Longest

Stacker used data from the 2020 County Health Rankings to rank every state's average life expectancy from lowest to highest. The 2020 County Health Rankings values were calculated using mortality counts from the 2016-2018 National Center for Health Statistics. The U.S. Census 2019 American Community Survey and America's Health Rankings Senior Report 2019 data were also used to provide demographics on the senior population of each state and the state's rank on senior health care, respectively.

Read on to learn the average life expectancy in each state.

Gallery Credit: Hannah Lang

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