Is it Illegal in MA to Blow Your Grass Clippings into the Road?
It's that time of year when folks all throughout Massachusetts and Berkshire County are starting to mow their lawns. I live in Pittsfield and in my neighborhood, I jokingly call it the "Lawnmower Wars." The reason why I call it that is because when one neighbor is out mowing, other neighbors start up their lawnmowers and are out there mowing too. None of us can be left behind when it comes to cutting the grass...lol.
After I Mow My Lawn at My Berkshire County Home, I Make Sure I Sweep Up Any Loose Grass Clippings
Each time I finish mowing my lawn in the spring, summer, and fall, I make sure I sweep up any grass that may be left on the roadway, sidewalk, and driveway. It gives off a clean and spiffy look but I also do it for another reason.

Are You Breaking a Massachusetts Law if You Blow Grass Clippings into the Road and Don't Sweep the Clippings Up?
According to our sister station, Fun 107, it's not illegal to blow the grass clippings into the road. It's more of a common courtesy gesture if you don't. More importantly, it's a safety measure. If you have to blow the clippings into the road, you should sweep them up afterward.
Okay, So What is This Safety Measure That Has Been Teased Throughout This Article?
Recently I spoke with a gentleman named J.D. Deacon who talked about motorcycle awareness and motorcycle safety. During the interview, J.D. mentioned why it's important to refrain from blowing grass clippings into the road. Here's what J.D. had to say:
During springtime, everyone wants to get out and make their yards look really good. Grass clippings do not belong on the road. Grass clippings belong on your lawn. Please! It's not just the motorcyclists, it can produce problems with cars and bicyclists. In the city of Pittsfield, we have these new bird scooters. Anything with tires that has to grab traction it causes problems with. So, your lawn may look great but you're causing a hazard on the roadside. Please, clean it up and be aware of it.
So, next time we mow our lawns, we should think about the accidents we're preventing by not blowing grass clippings into the roadway. If for some reason, you have to, grab a broom and sweep them up. Happy mowing.
KEEP READING: Since we are talking about driving over grass clippings, let's take a look at some iconic cars.
LOOK: See the iconic cars that debuted the year you were born
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