If you have been to Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield lately, you may have noticed that things are changing there. The college is undergoing a bit of a transformation, as an effort is underway to streamline the admission and enrollment process... and to update the look, feel, and functionality of the main building.

The One Stop Student Success project, now fully underway, is being made possible through a $5.5 million grant provided by Governor Baker’s Capital Investment Plan for public higher education. It looks complicated, but the main goal is simple, according to the BCC website...

The overarching goal of this project is to make it easier for anyone who wants to access higher education to be able to do so with ease.


The construction work in the front of the building isn't easy to miss. Here is a description of what is happening from the website:

One of the most important parts of the One Stop project is the Welcome Center, located in the former dining hall in the Susan B. Anthony (SBA) building. The Welcome Center will be the gateway into newly consolidated offices of admissions, advising, new student registration, financial services, and student records. Staff will be on hand for assistance, and new kiosks will allow students to complete transactions such as paying bills or registering for classes. Comfortable waiting areas will welcome students meeting with admissions, career counseling, financial aid, and academic advising staff.

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Adam Klepetar says it's a "new front door" to campus.

Consolidating office space and offering more online services will help reduce crowding and shorten lines ~ Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Adam Klepetar.

Check out this pdf download showing the plans for the interior of the new "One Stop" center and a view of what the outside of the building is expected to look when the project has been completed.

Stacks of roofing materials in the parking lot immediately to the right upon entering the campus driveway.
Stacks of roofing materials in the parking lot immediately to the right upon entering the campus driveway.

The exact completion date of the work hasn't been pinned down, but one student attending the college told us that he heard the interior work would be done in March and the exterior work would be done in January.

It looks like it will be worth the wait!

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