Pittsfield’s 5-Year Consolidated Plan
PITTSFIELD, Mass – As a reminder, the second, and last of two scheduled public input meetings for the City of Pittsfield’s 5-year Consolidated Plan, will be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24 in the Community Room at Conte Community School, 200 West Union St.
The city receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) each year and, in order to receive the funds, a plan must be submitted to HUD outlining how the city plans to spend the funding over a five-year period.
The City of Pittsfield’s five-year Consolidated Plan will address the period of time beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2025. The Annual Action Plan accounts for the period beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 and will be prepared and included within the five-year Consolidated Plan document. City projects supported by CDBG funds are included in the Annual Action Plan and are required to benefit low and moderate-income people or eliminate slums and blight.
Attendees at the sessions will be able to speak on community issues, such as, but not limited to: housing, public facilities, job opportunities, crime, drug and alcohol abuse, childcare, domestic violence, handicapped services, and elderly services.
Additionally, input can also be shared via a survey available here. The survey can also be directly accessed on the link, “CDBG Public Survey,” which is available on the homepage of the city’s website. The survey will be open through Mar.1, 2020.
The five-year Consolidated Plan, including the fiscal year 2021 Annual Action Plan, will be available in draft form in mid-April 2020 for the public to review and comment. The plan will also undergo a formal adoption process, including a formal public hearing that will be publicly advertised. The plan will be completed and adopted by the middle of May and is due to be submitted to HUD shortly thereafter.
Residents who are unable to attend the public input sessions can drop off or mail their comments to the Department of Community Development, City Hall, 70 Allen Street, Room 205, Pittsfield, MA at 413-499-9368 or by TTY at 413-499-9340. Public comments may also be e-mailed to jdodds@cityofpittsfield.org. Persons with special needs should contact the Department of Community Development and every effort will be made to accommodate their requests.
(press release sent to the radio station from the City of Pittsfield for online and on-air use)
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