Tom’s Top 3 for 1/24: Funding For $74 Million Wastewater Project Weighed
The Pittsfield City Council doesn't want to rush into making a $74 million decision. IBerkshires.com reports that Mayor Linda Tyer has introduced a petition calling for the borrowing of that amount of money for a massive wastewater treatment system project. Pittsfield is under an administrative order from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that holds the system to higher standards of phosphorus, aluminum treatment, and nitrogen removal. The project has been in the design phase for about a year, and that after years of ultimately losing appeals in federal court. Commissioner of Public Services and Utilities David Turocy says that the city in August submitted a 60 percent design, which was believed to have filled the needed requirements. The final design, according to Turocy, was only recently committed. Matthew Kerwood, the city’s finance director, sketched out a timeline that would have awarded the contract for the construction at the end of June, putting the city on track to hit an August 1st deadline to start construction.
Ringer Disappearance Trial May Start In September
A September trial date is likely for Laura Reilly. She stands accused of misleading police investigating the March 2nd of last year disappearance of Joanne Ringer. The Berkshire Eagle reports that information came out of a brief pretrial hearing held in Berkshire Superior Court yesterday afternoon. Ringer's daughter, Savanah, was one of about a dozen supporters who attended the hearing. She said there might be a vigil to commemorate the anniversary, but nothing has yet been set. Family and friends of Ringer's meanwhile have continued to enlist the help of the public, through social media, in an effort to keep up awareness of the case and to also solicit tips from the public.
Two North Adams Residents Facing Charges For Neglecting Injuries To An Infant
Despite what were described as "horrific" injuries to an 11-month-old baby in their care, two North Adams residents failed to report the apparent abuse to authorities, according to a prosecutor Tuesday. The Berkshire Eagle reports that Assistant Berkshire District Attorney Rachael Eramo told jurors the child was physically assaulted, beaten and burned. That resulted in injuries from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, according to Eramo. Brett Logan and Karisa Miranda-Ruiz, are being tried in Berkshire Superior Court on charges of reckless endangerment of a child for allegedly being aware of the child's injuries but failing to report them. They are not being charged with causing the injuries. Testimony in the trial was expected to continue today (Wednesday).
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