Two COVID-19 Online Discussions Today at 12 PM
There are two online COVID-19 conversations taking place this afternoon (Thursday, Feb. 25) that may interest Berkshire County residents. One of them will focus on vaccine distribution and how that is going here in the Berkshires thus far. The other one will focus more generally on COVID-19 and will feature a question-and-answer session. Unfortunately, both presentations are taking place at 12:00 PM. It’s likely however that both programs will be available for watching on demand.
The Berkshire Eagle is presenting a live streamed COVID-19 conversation at noon today with Eagle columnist Larry Parnass, Eagle reporter Francesca Paris, and Executive Editor Kevin Moran. This will, according to the publication, be a live conversation available on several streaming channels. The main topic will be the current state of COVID-19 in the Berkshires and it will focus on the continuing vaccination program.
The 45-minute program is free and open to the public and attendees can bring along with them questions or comments.
You can watch online at berkshireeagle.com, facebook.com/berkshire.eagle or register to watch via Zoom at https://tinyurl.com/VaxForum.

Only Zoom attendees will be able to submit questions during the live Berkshire Eagle program.
The other online conversation, also at noon today, will be hosted by State Senator Adam Hinds. This will be a Facebook Live Q&A session that will focus on COVID-19 with infectious diseases expert and contributor to CNN and MSNBC, Dr. Nahid Bhadelia. Dr. Bhadelia is an infection disease physician and the medical director of the Special Pathogens Unit at Boston Medical Center. Those interested can join the session at Facebook.com/SenatorAdamHinds.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.
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