Springfield MRF Recycling Changes – Effective July 1st
Some changes are being implemented at the Springfield Materials Recycling Facility that will take effect July 1st. A media release from the City of Pittsfield Monday said that the changes will impact the sorting and collection of the following items in the Western Massachusetts region.
No longer accepted as recyclables:
- Shredded paper and aerosol cans will no longer be accepted as recyclable items. Shredded paper can now be disposed of as trash. If shredding is paper only (no plastic), it can be used toward compost.
- Aerosol cans that contained food or personal care ingredients must go in the trash or placed with bulky waste. Aerosol cans that still contain hazardous ingredients, such as spray paint, must be disposed of via a household hazardous waste collection.
Now accepted as recyclables:
- Clear plastic cups will now be permitted in container recycling. Printing on the clear cups is OK. Lids and straws must be removed and placed in the trash. Other plastic cups, such as Styrofoam™, colored cups, and opaque (cloudy) plastic cups are not acceptable for recycling, despite any recycling symbols. If a clear cup is labeled “compostable,” it should not go in with recyclables.
- Clear plastic egg cartons will now be accepted as recyclables.
The Springfield MRF accepts, sorts, bales, and sells recyclable material from 73 member communities in Western Mass. For more information, please visit springfieldmrf.org.
The City of Pittsfield Curbside Recycling Collection schedule is available on the home page of the city’s website, cityofpittsfield.org. It can also be accessed here:
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